Sonntag, 25. September 2011

Tiamatplank Guide RELEASED!


Advanced Tactics: If you score a double kill or more, make sure to tell your opponents about your build. It will almost certainly trick them into playing worse because they feel humiliated by Tiamatplank.

Anschauen und upvoten!

Montag, 19. September 2011

Morddrohung in LOL

PawnYOU (Tryndamere) [All] [00:06:21]: fu gragas
PawnYOU (Tryndamere) [All] [00:06:35]: WTF
PawnYOU (Tryndamere) [All] [00:06:36]: WTF
PawnYOU (Tryndamere) [All] [00:06:36]: WTF
PawnYOU (Tryndamere) [All] [00:06:37]: WTF
PawnYOU (Tryndamere) [All] [00:06:37]: WTF
PawnYOU (Tryndamere) [All] [00:06:38]: WTF
PawnYOU (Tryndamere) [All] [00:06:38]: F
PawnYOU (Tryndamere) [All] [00:06:40]: WTF
PawnYOU (Tryndamere) [All] [00:06:44]: SON OF BITCH
Laddesh (Leona) [All] [00:06:54]: easy
PawnYOU (Tryndamere) [All] [00:07:05]: stfu
PawnYOU (Tryndamere) [All] [00:07:52]: gj
Perila (Morgana) [00:08:14]: thx for ss
PawnYOU (Tryndamere) [All] [00:08:46]: WTF
PawnYOU (Tryndamere) [All] [00:08:46]: WTF
PawnYOU (Tryndamere) [All] [00:08:47]: WTF
PawnYOU (Tryndamere) [All] [00:08:47]: WTF
PawnYOU (Tryndamere) [All] [00:08:48]: WT
PawnYOU (Tryndamere) [All] [00:08:53]: MURDER YOUR WORTHLESS FAMILIES
PawnYOU (Tryndamere) [All] [00:08:53]: NOOBS
ChaosSanji (Yorick) [All] [00:08:59]: trynda noob OMG we surrender at 15+
PawnYOU (Tryndamere) [All] [00:09:02]: STFU
PawnYOU (Tryndamere) [All] [00:09:04]: SON OF BITCH YOU ARE NOOB
Laddesh (Leona) [All] [00:09:06]: dont ever speak about family
PawnYOU (Tryndamere) [All] [00:09:06]: I MURDER YOU
Laddesh (Leona) [All] [00:09:42]: then come murder me idiot
Laddesh (Leona) [All] [00:09:51]: u cant do shit
PawnYOU (Tryndamere) [All] [00:09:53]: ye i will tomorrow
Laddesh (Leona) [All] [00:09:55]: kk
Flapjacklol (Gragas) [All] [00:10:10]: then you should know where i live? :)
PawnYOU (Tryndamere) [All] [00:10:17]: i can fin out
Flapjacklol (Gragas) [All] [00:10:21]: then do it!!!!
PawnYOU (Tryndamere) [All] [00:10:24]: ye
Laddesh (Leona) [All] [00:10:40]: then we will find out where u live ;*
PawnYOU (Tryndamere) [All] [00:10:52]: lol
PawnYOU (Tryndamere) [00:11:18]: noob
PawnYOU (Tryndamere) [All] [00:11:24]: difficultt
PawnYOU (Tryndamere) [All] [00:11:31]: im behind several proxies from different countries

Sonntag, 18. September 2011

Tribunal Quotes #14 - Imma gonna use ma ulti on blue buff

  • Rage and dont play good at all but tell everybody noobs and wanted to report everyone
  • kept insulting me and my mother. Insulting his own team, then started flaming in swiss german. Too bad i am swiss too and he even threaten to kill me in real life
  • fiddle who doesnt came outta jungle, he didnt ganked low enemies on top or letting me back to base for a sec, used ulti on bluebuff and didnt even tried to help the team. finally he told us he wouldnt do that in normal games cause we r noobs. plz ban, thx
  • Doing all the party he was taunting... not a good game

tribunal am sonntag

Tenebrosity [00:23:59]: nice ult fuckface noob jungler

cyR R0xx0R (Zilean) [00:17:56]: FICK DICH
cyR R0xx0R (Zilean) [00:17:57]: NEIN
cyR R0xx0R (Zilean) [00:18:00]: HALT MAUL

"he is feedin enemy team and not help team fight banned please "

Freitag, 16. September 2011

Tetten feat. Verbrecherulli

Austrian bitch fight spotted in tribunal:

xXBlackDragonXx (Master Yi) [All] [00:23:53]: alter ihr scheiß kurvas mir gehts nicht um den steal mir gehts darum das ihr solche noobs seid und nicht aufgebt
Nostradamus2 [00:24:26]: bei so wappla wie dia gib i obsic
Nostradamus2 [00:24:42]: obsichtlich ned auf
xXBlackDragonXx (Master Yi) [00:24:57]: hoit amoi dei goschn du scheiß wappla
Nostradamus2 [00:25:19]: he du scheiss inkompetnta wappla wast ned a moi wos a wappla is
xXBlackDragonXx (Master Yi) [00:26:09]: du scheiß wappla i was wos a wappla is und nur wei du ned eiseng wüsst das ma des game verlorn hom
xXBlackDragonXx (Master Yi) [00:26:29]: du scheiß kurva
Nostradamus2 [00:26:53]: i gib bei soiche wappla wie dia obsichtlich ned auf
xXBlackDragonXx (Master Yi) [00:27:04]: jo gfrei di
xXBlackDragonXx (Master Yi) [00:27:13]: dei mudda is a fail ulti
Nostradamus2 [00:27:24]: woiche scheiss wappla wia du kean echt gspeat
Nostradamus2 [00:27:29]: soiche*
Nostradamus2 [00:27:48]: so drecks idioten machen spiele immer hi
xXBlackDragonXx (Master Yi) [00:27:52]: jo dei mudda keat a gsperrt
Xperiaxion (Tryndamere) [All] [00:28:02]: Yi go delete LoL
Nostradamus2 [00:28:14]: he du scheiss auf muadda witze de san seit 10 joa scho neama witzig
xXBlackDragonXx (Master Yi) [All] [00:28:19]: hoit dei fotzen du scheiß krippe
Nostradamus2 [00:28:28]: wappla

Donnerstag, 15. September 2011

Tribunal Quotes #13 - I'm wishing you the Dead!

  • i have a bad begining and he insulted me during the party
  • Unbrain player... unskilled... please ban this kind of player.
  • This fucking Noob comes in play and then he always asks to surrender but we will have won....... then he had written that he will start feeding now !!! and that he has done and so we lost =( pls bann him forever player like him get lol down ......
  • said he was nazi and offended other religions
  • Trollolololl , Sorakka ist op , sie wurde gefeeded. von diesem kleinen Trooll . Trolololol. Bitte sperren sie ihm. Er ist kack Braten , der einen das Spiel vermasselt. Ein kleiner kleiner Troll , trolololollll , er feedet die Gegner und nennt sie OP.
  • "Wish our Heimer the Dead: "I hope you forget to breath.""
  • Look chat and you will see all, failed this game and just called whole team noob some mum jokes, such guys are very pro ^^ win a game and then just suck other team
  • after 1/3feeding on porpuse he does not want 2 waste time before i played against him he as ali he had 1/9 and fed 2

Montag, 5. September 2011

Tribunal Quotes #12 - "Deutschland - dein Stolz, deine Kinder"

  • er jat auch mit wards in unserer base ein hackenkreuz gemacht ! bitte bannt ihn permanent -.-" und ist einfach in die gegner gerannt + feed -.-
  •  hat mit wads in unserer base ein hacken kreuz gemacht

 Soccerkiller [00:02:28]: why report me soccerkiller is a normal name? O.o

TheDay468 (Master Yi) [00:11:11]: 0 zu 4 mitnem tank nc
wNNaBE (Ashe) [00:11:20]: ich fiste deinen rechner nachm game jetz reichts
XxusimoxX (Taric) [00:11:21]: SS
wNNaBE (Ashe) [00:11:33]: inetboy
Supreme36 (Gragas) [00:11:34]: uuuh
wNNaBE (Ashe) [00:11:35]: wirst sehen
wNNaBE (Ashe) [00:11:45]: jo bist nich der erste
Supreme36 (Gragas) [All] [00:12:04]: gj
wNNaBE (Ashe) [00:12:21]: bob alter
wNNaBE (Ashe) [00:14:25]: omfg
Supreme36 (Gragas) [00:14:28]: n.a.b.
wNNaBE (Ashe) [00:14:36]: achso
wNNaBE (Ashe) [00:14:39]: aber hextech mit gragas
wNNaBE (Ashe) [00:14:41]: so low
Supreme36 (Gragas) [00:14:47]: lern ulti
Supreme36 (Gragas) [00:14:52]: wnnbe dreamhack
wNNaBE (Ashe) [00:14:55]: meine ulti hat getroffen du b0b
wNNaBE (Ashe) [00:15:08]: du bist das letzte mal im inet

chrzz (Kog'Maw) [00:07:14]: im withdrawing from heroin
chrzz (Kog'Maw) [00:07:17]: sorry if play bad
chrzz (Kog'Maw) [00:07:28]: diarhea and vomit is leaking from me while i play

DERUSBSTICK (Ashe) [All] [00:12:23]: normally i kill peoples with them over whol map :D

Sonntag, 4. September 2011

The Tribunal is back!

Mütter sperrt eure Töchter in den Keller, das Tribunal ist wieder da!

 Hört denn der Spaß nie auf?